310 E Hwy 50, Ste 2, O'Fallon, Illinois 62269
Same Day Appointments | Walk-in Availability
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm | Tues, Thurs: 9am - 3pm
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O'Fallon Chiropractor: Dr. Josh Ferrell
Dr. Josh Ferrell
Dr. Josh Ferrell graduated from Logan Chiropractic College in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and a Doctoral degree of Chiropractic.
He believes that although the human body is designed to be well, ongoing health and wellness is a result of lifestyle. Chiropractic Care is an essential component of any healthy lifestyle and is best suited for people who place a priority on their health and well being. Our current “health care system” is reactive rather than proactive, or instead of learning how to get and stay well, you are simply medicated when you become sick or experience pain.
Dr. Josh is passionate about teaching you not only why Chiropractic Care is essential to a healthy lifestyle, but also what kind of choices you can make to improve health and improve your overall quality of life.